
Thursday, May 28, 2009

If you could remove one emotion from the world, would you?

If I could eliminate an emotion, I would eliminate jealousy and greed. They are the only emotions that, I think, does no good at all to anyone. Other emotions, for example, happiness, is very important to to the health of a human being. Happiness helps to relieve our stress, anger allows us to let off 'steam' and sadness lets other knows that we need comforting. If we do not have these emotions, we would not be able to express ourselves and we would turn into 'zombies' without any care to other people.

Jealousy, however only lets people have a bad desire to steal things that they want but cannot have. It will control you and make you do things like stealing or worse. If this emotion can be removed, people will not commits sins connected to wanting something that others have. The world will have less worries.

Greed corrupts the mind. If we have a taste of something good, we will want more of it and will commit crimes to get what we want. People rob, loot and steal because of this. Ther shall be no more need for doors to be locked or banks to have vaults. People will live without the fear of muggers.

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