
Friday, January 9, 2009

Guide to alt plus (number)

You can do different icons using alt plus a number on the number pad. Here's all i know...

alt1 = ☺
alt2 = ☻
alt3 = ♥
alt4 = ♦
alt5 = ♣
alt6= ♠
alt7 = ◘
alt9 = ○
alt10 = ◙
alt11 = ♂
alt12 = ♀
alt13 = ♪
alt14 = ♫
alt15 = ☼
alt16 = ►
alt17 = ◄
alt 18 = ↕
alt19 = ‼ (closer together than !!)
alt20 = ¶
alt21 = §
alt22 = ▬
alt23 = ↨
alt24 = ↑
alt25 = ↓
alt26 = →
alt27 = ←
alt28 = ∟
alt29 = ↔
alt30 = ▲
alt31 = ▼
alt32 = (nothing)
alt33 = onward are boring except for the ones below and maybe others
alt222222222 / alt654 = Ä
alt789456123 = √
alt963852741 = ┼
alt456123 = ╗
alt951 = ╖
alt951 = ±
alt987654321 = ▒

The rest you can find out yourself :p

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